Farmer's Helpers Community Farm Education
Farmer’s Helpers is a community farm education program located at Chip-in Farm. They offer farm education classes, birthday parties, tours and private and public events such as goat yoga for children and adults throughout the year.

Learn More
Visit the Farmer’s Helpers website for information regarding current events, birthday parties, private events and farm tours, and to find a list of frequently asked questions.
Class registration dates and special events are also announced via the Farmer’s Helpers Facebook and Instagram pages.

Our Farm Zoo
Our farm zoo animals include our miniature horses Carrot Cake and Clyde; Fainting x Nigerian dwarf goats; and sheep, cows, pigs, chickens. rabbits, and barn cats. Bags of animal food are available for purchase in the Farm Store.
The Farm Zoo is open Tuesday – Sunday from 10AM – 5PM.